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Today, we are looking at how the rise of platforms like Booktok or Bookstagram is directly related to a rise of anti-intellectualism in terms of the consumption of fictional literature. A lot of variables affect the reading habits of the current generation; social media marketing strategies being the strongest influence. It may not be apparent but social media takes control of your sub-conscious minds very subtly. This is done by using clever marketing strategy to make the audience feel like if they don’t pick this book up, they will not be a part of something bigger. They play on the fear of being left out (FOMO) to convince us to read literature, which otherwise is often critiqued as pure trash.

This marketing strategy is so effective that more and more writers are producing literature from its point of view rather than their own. They incorporate a few aspects that seem essential to go viral online. There are visibly repetitive patterns of steamy scenes, abusive relationships, and predictable plotlines without character build up or a strong foundation of the story. These books quickly become bestsellers because of their rapid sales without taking into account the kind of literature it represents (and it is more often than not, Wattpad-Fanfic kind). Many of the previously trusted listicles are falling prey to only accounting sales of a book as a marker of its success. The title of “New York Times Bestseller” used to hold weight but now has been awarded to the likes of Colleen Hoover (make of it what you may).

This trend of reading has shifted the focus from expanding your horizons and developing intellectual discernments of the messy society we live in to merely posting “aesthetic” pictures of the books in sunshine or with candles, accompanied by highlighters, etc. It is understandable that this marketing strategy also pushes people who never read to pick up reading as a habit. But the quality of their consumption is certainly worrisome. It is rather debatable if this kind of induction into reading is causing more harm than good or not.

So, while social media’s marketing strategy has some visible cons, there are pros too. It is also helping promote bookstores and libraries and bringing reading not just as a mindless incorporation but rather as a culture, back. But it is in the hands of the readers to decide what kind of literature will define this generation. Of course, light hearted and mindless reading is a pleasure in itself and often enjoyed as a break from day to day life, but the readers must beware of how it is affecting them in the long run. It is vital that we also take a look at books that are representative of gender, ethnicity, diverse economic background and so much more.

We must remember that literature is functional in a society, it is not contained merely between beautiful pictures on the facade of our virtual pages, but more importantly so in our dialogues, culture and daily lives. At The Bombay Circle Press, we aim to bring stories to you that matter. You can check our bulletin for delectable books, movies and TV shows recommendations. Stay tuned.

Image Credit: katelaurajenner (Pinterest)