Winnie knows what love is.
But is it really “true” love or is she just fooling herself?
Winnie Star is an eccentric and an offbeat incarnation of her parent’s hippie era.
But after her parent’s divorce and grandmother’s death, Winnie is on the verge of dropping out of college and embracing her life as it comes. At the same time, she can’t get enough of her boyfriend, Jasper. But when Jasper questions Winnie’s life choices, it sends her down a spiral and she finally decides to reign it in, and starts a jewellery business.
Soon the jewellery business is a success and she couldn’t be more in love with Jasper. That is until a certain dinner party makes Winnie feel left out of Jasper’s life and think that he’s hiding something from her. Is there really something Jasper is hiding? Will Winnie unravel Jasper’s secret? Will the business finally give her some direction? Or has fate something even bigger in store for her?
M.Q. Ngyuen’s My Littlest Russian Doll is a tale of love, resilience and self-discovery, that makes you question the true meaning of being loved, and finding your identity and purpose in a relationship.